Podcast: Animal Welfare in Scientific Research – with Nuno Franco
Noticias Recomendado 22 December 2018En la web de Science for Progress publicaron el siguiente Podcast: Animal Welfare in Scientific Research – with Nuno Franco. Para escucharlo deben ingresar AQUÍ.
Sobre el Podcast publicado:
I talked with Dr. Nuno Henrique Franco about animal welfare in scientific research. The questions we address are
- Why do we do animal experiments?
- What can be done to reduce the amount of animal experiments?
- What are the regulations for animal research?
- What do scientists think about the ethics of animal experimentation?
- What is being done for outreach?
Nuno Franco is an expert on animal wellbeing in scientific research. He works as an assistant researcher at the “Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde” (Institute for Health Investigation and Innovation), or short i3S in Porto, Portugal. He worked on animal welfare, and animal ethics regulation, and he currently coordinates the national network of animal welfare bodies.