ICLAS: Regional Fellowship Training Program (ERC)


The European Regional Committee (ERC) of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) opens the call for the three 2014 training fellowship awards in laboratory animal science. The first awards were given in 2013. These awards are available to individuals from European countries/areas in the process of developing modern standards of animal care and use. The objective of the fellowships is to acquire new knowledge and/or technical competences in the care and use of laboratory animals. This can be achieved in one of the host institutions or in an institution proposed by the applicant.

Sponsored in 2014 by:







Institutions that currently have volunteered to serve as host institutions include:

- The Transgenesis, Archiving and Distributions of Animal Models (TAAM) in France
- The Institute Clinique de la Souris in France
- IDIBELL in Spain
- Biomedical Research Foundation, Center for Experimental Surgery, Academy of Athens, in Greece

Fellowships canbe awarded at three levels:

- technician level (at least one per year)
- animal facility manager/animal welfare officer/veterinarian level (at least one per year)
- animal user scientist level (at least one per year).
Call for applicants Call for sponsors Call for host institutions

The first three awards were given in 2013, sponsored by Altromin, Tecnipast and SDS:

Irina Belozertseva (Russia) visited the Biomedical Research Foundation, Center for Experimental Surgery, Academy of Athens, in Greece. 

Marina Krasilshchikova (Russia) visited IDIBELL in Barcelona, Spain. 

Florina Popovska visited the Institute Clinique de la Souris in France. 


Seguiremos ofreciendo un espacio para todos aquellos que quieran participar y colaborar en esta cruzada educativa, porque tenemos muy claro que estaremos constantemente: “Aprendiendo de los Animales de Laboratorio”.

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