Primates no humanos

  1. CCAC guidelines: Nonhuman primates
  2. Chimpanzees in Research: Strategies for Their Ethical Care, Management, and Use
  3. International Perspectives: The Future of Nonhuman Primate Resources. Proceedings of the Workshop Held April 17-19, 2002
  4. IPS International guidelines for the acquisition, care and breeding of nonhuman primates
  5. Key considerations in the breeding of macaques and marmosets for scientific purposes
  6. National Institute of Health nonhuman primate management plan
  7. Nutrient Requirements of Nonhuman Primates 2nd ed. (BANR)
  8. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates
  9. The Critical Role of Nonhuman Primates in Medical Research
  10. The need for research on non-human primates in cognitive neuroscience
  1. Guidelines for NIH Non-Rodent Transportation
  2. Guidelines for the prevention and control of tuberculosis in nonhuman primates
  3. NC3Rs Guidelines: Primate Accommodation, Care and Use 
  4. Nonhuman primate management plan
  1. Diseases of Laboratory Primates 1
  2. Diseases of Laboratory Primates 2
  3. Guidelines for the prevention and control of tuberculosis in nonhuman primates
  4. Significant zoonotic disease of non-human primates
  1. Annotated Bibliography on Refinement and Environmental Enrichment of Primates Kept in Laboratories (2008)
  2. Appendix 2: Environmental Enrichment (Behavioral Management) of Nonhuman Primates
  3. Articles on Environmental Enrichment and Psychological Well-Being
  4. Comfortable Quarters for Nonhuman Primates in Research Institutions
  5. Environmental Enrichment and Refinement for Nonhuman Primates Kept in Research Laboratories
  6. Non-Human Primate Housing & Handling
  7. Psychological Well-being of Nonhuman Primates
  8. Safe Pair Housing of Macaques
  9. Taking Better Care of Monkeys and Apes
  10. UCD Environmental Enrichment Plan for Primates


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Seguiremos ofreciendo un espacio para todos aquellos que quieran participar y colaborar en esta cruzada educativa, porque tenemos muy claro que estaremos constantemente: “Aprendiendo de los Animales de Laboratorio”.

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